Happy 2022! This year I decided to take my mantra from Ragnar Lothbrok, Vikings. "Don’t waste your time looking back. You’re not going that way." I confess I've already failed because yesterday I took a long hard look at my "writing career" and I slipped into a bit of a funk, well a huge depression to be honest. I quit about four times yesterday and realized...I can't stop writing. I love it too much. I have too many stories in my head that want to be told. I hope in 2022 you persevere and don't waste time (like I did) thinking about past failures. Find something you love and do it.
In 2022 I'll be giving away books and publishing new ones, so please stay with me. Let's attack 2022 like a hoard of Vikings and keep going. Thank you for your support in the past and I hope you'll keep in touch. Email me, message me, post on my FB page, I always respond. You can support me by reading and reviewing my books and keep up with me and my writing/publishing by reading my newsletter and blog.
It takes a team to row a dragon headed ship so please join me. Hold on to your oars, we're going to be sailing through stormy waters. God Bless you in the coming year.